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Clean and minimal personal blog and portfolio theme for Hugo.
- Clean and minimal
- Responsive
- Supports tags
- Social media links
- Google Analytics integration
- Syntax highlighting
- Twitter cards and opengraph tags support
- Disqus comments
- Hugo RSS feeds
From your Hugo site run the following.
cd themes
git clone https://github.com/vividvilla/ezhil.git
For more information read the official setup guide of Hugo.
baseURL = "http://example.org/"
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "My personal blog"
theme = "ezhil"
# Enable syntax highlighting.
pygmentsstyle = "vs"
pygmentscodefences = true
pygmentscodefencesguesssyntax = true
# Your Google analytics code.
googleAnalytics = "UA-123-45"
# Your Disqus sortname.
disqusShortname = "localhost"
# Blog subtitle which appears below blog title. Supports markdown.
subtitle = "Clean and minimal personal [blog theme for Hugo](https://github.com/vividvilla/ezhil)"
# Number of posts to show in recent posts list (Optional). Defaults to 10.
recentPostsCount = 10
# Content types which are excluded from recent posts and archive page (Optional). Defaults to ["page"]
excludedTypes = ["page"]
# Content types which are excludes Disqus comments (Optional). Defaults to ["page"]
disableDisqusTypes = ["page"]
# If social media links are enabled then enable this to fetch icons from CDN instead of hosted on your site.
featherIconsCDN = true
# Main menu which appears below site header.
name = "Home"
url = "/"
weight = 1
name = "All posts"
url = "/posts"
weight = 2
name = "About"
url = "/about"
weight = 3
name = "Tags"
url = "/tags"
weight = 4
# Social media links which shows up on site header.
# Uses feather icons for icons. You can [search icon names from here](https://feathericons.com/).
name = "Github"
icon = "github"
url = "https://github.com/vividvilla/ezhil"
name = "Twitter"
icon = "twitter"
url = "https://twitter.com/gohugoio"
# Enable tags.
tag = "tags"
Content type
You can specify content type with field type
in your content. For example static pages can be set as type page
which are excluded from recent posts and all posts page. You can use site params excludedTypes
and disableDisqusTypes
to control which page types are excluded from recent posts and Disqus comments respectively.
title: "About"
date: 2019-04-19T21:37:58+05:30
type: "page"
This is some static page where you can write about yourself.
Disable Disqus
You can disable Disqus from contents selectively or for all contents with certain content type. Use content field disqus
to disable Disqus from certain contents.
title: "Content without comments"
date: 2019-04-19T21:37:58+05:30
disqus: false
This is a content without Disqus comments.
You can also disable Disqus for certain content types by using site param disableDisqusTypes
. You can check config section above for example.
- Feather Icons
- Zen habits for demo content